The purpose of this blog......

The purpose of this blog is to educate the public on
how easy and fun it is to grow and care for
carnivorous plants.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The photo below of the Venus Flytrap never gets old.
It is so amazing in that it and other carnivorous plants all produce flower high above
their trap mechanisms. They would never reproduce after their own kind.
The plants need to eat insects to live,but they also need them for pollination.
I wonder how evolutionist explain this. I like to think of it as Intelligent Design.
As I write I want to change gears and thank Ron West with Cascade Carnivores.
They have a great selection of tropical pitcherplants, Butterworts, and Sundews,
as well as other carnivorous plants. I order the native Intermedia Sundew and
received such an excellent specimen that when I ordered again I received such
a good product that I was able to divide it and get 100% success ratio. I will go
on record this may not happen for everyone, but it speaks volumes about the
service and product you get from Cascade Carnivores. Their website is .

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How Carnivorous plants produce seed

Here is a photo you might find interesting.
This Venus Flytrap projects its flowers high
above the trapping mechanism. This is true
for all carnivorous plants in that they would
not want to catch their pollinators and there
by rendering themselves extinct. If you look
closely you can see carnivorous Sundew
plants doing the same by setting flowers high
above their traps as well.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Lazarus Project explained

The Lazarus Project is a container garden of carnivorous plants
that have appeared dead or are close to it. The plan was to remove
them from the condition they were in and place them in a new
container to see if they can be revived. It appears to have worked
note the new growth on the Venus Flytrap and Sarracenia (pitcher

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Plant Division
Carnivorous plants divide just like iris rhizomes. The rhizome
is divided and as long as it has a growth tip it will grow a new
plant. The Sarracenia seems to be the stronger of the plants
I grow.

The Hardiness of Carnivorous Plants

Since discovering the joys of carnivorous plants I have found that they
are quite hardy. I have divided them in the heat of summer and much
to my surprise they have recovered and thrived. I have experimented
in planting them in small containers which was not successful. I took
what I thought were dead plants and replanted them in a more plant
appropriate container. This is the source of the Lazarus Project. I also
grow them outside year round and plant them for their color aspect.