The photo below of the Venus Flytrap never gets old.
It is so amazing in that it and other carnivorous plants all produce flower high above
their trap mechanisms. They would never reproduce after their own kind.
The plants need to eat insects to live,but they also need them for pollination.
I wonder how evolutionist explain this. I like to think of it as Intelligent Design.
As I write I want to change gears and thank Ron West with Cascade Carnivores.
They have a great selection of tropical pitcherplants, Butterworts, and Sundews,
as well as other carnivorous plants. I order the native Intermedia Sundew and
received such an excellent specimen that when I ordered again I received such
a good product that I was able to divide it and get 100% success ratio. I will go
on record this may not happen for everyone, but it speaks volumes about the
service and product you get from Cascade Carnivores. Their website is .
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